I am a Year 3 student at Panmure Bridge School. My teacher's name is Ms. Scott.
Monday, November 30, 2020
Friday, November 27, 2020
Designing and Building Rube Goldberg Machine
We have been learning about Rube Goldberg machines. They use chain reaction to do something our goal was to trap the monster.
1. The hardest thing was putting it togther.
2.I loved it when it succeeds.
3. My degsin was the same and my other one was different to my final degsin.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Picture Math Stories
In class we drew pictures to show multiplication equations. We flipped the equations to show that the awnsering Iowa’s the same even though the stories that the numbers were telling look different. Here is my example:
Number story problems
I took a screenshot of some maths story problems and drew/found pictures to solve the problems.This helped multiption is repeated addition.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Today I learned about Diwali. Diwali is festival from India I like to learning most about rangoils because I like doing art.
We learned about Diwali is a day of light .